Know Thyself
Know Thyself Workshops Assist Us In Awakening Our Inner Right, Knowledge & Abilities To Live Purposeful & Fulfilled Life. A True Life.

Inner Child Workshop
Coming Soon
Awakening our inner child connects us with our own fountain of life. It brings us many invaluable benefits to our adult life. Some of these benefits are rejuvenated out of the box thinking, valuable new ideas presenting with ease, renewed joy in every day life, surges of new life energy, new drive to create and contribute, fun and playfulness.
Just as important to our inner child is transformation and integration of challenging experiences from our childhood. Challenging experiences which created strong and deep blockages, sabotages, fears, anxiety, anger and other unprocessed emotions.
The significance of working on awakening and integrating our inner child is of utmost importance on the path to finding and liberating our true self.
Inner Child Workshop is structured in such a way to allow us to connect with our inner child energies and initiate reenergizing of our life.
Main benefits of Inner Child Workshop are:
- Gain insights about inner child importance and significance in your life
- Reconnect with our inner child energies
- Allow flow of inner child energies into your adult life
- Transform and integrate challenging experiences from your childhood into new and improved life
- Transform and integrated sabotaging emotions and blockages related to your childhood experiences
- Experience relief and new enriching flows of life energies
- Open new possibilities and opportunities in your life as your inner child awakens
- Open new possibilities on your spiritual path
If you would like to get more information about our Inner Child Workshop please do not hesitate to Contacts Us.
To signup for our next Inner Child Workshop please click on Pre Register button.

Self Love Workshop
Coming Soon
Self love is the very foundation of our healthy and prosperous being. It really means healthy acceptance of myself just the way I am. It really means true respect for my self however I handle things in life. It really means focus and reliance on my own capabilities and self development. It really means having well being of my life in my own hands.
Only when we are well rounded, stable, satisfied, complete, strong and successful, only then we can be of a true help and service to others and society.
Vast majority of people deeply suffer in life due to the lack of self love. We tend to give all the power of our own well being into other people’s hands. Our thoughts, emotions and well being depend so much on what other people say and think about us, about their acceptance of us. From parents, to children, friends, coworkers and other people.
When we are hard on ourselves that could truly ruin our life. What we did, or didn’t do, what we accomplished or not, what happened or didn’t. When we allow that our own inner well being is determined by these external things, we end up suffering and sabotaging our life royally.
Self Love Workshop is structured in such a way to assist us in experiencing what a true self love is and initiating awakening of a true self love in our life.
Main benefits of Self Love Workshop are:
- Gain insights what a true self love is and why it is vitally important in your life
- Learn to say no when this is the best solution for you
- Set healthy boundaries with other people in your life
- Learn not to depend on other people’s options and acceptance
- Initiate flow of energies to experience a true self love
- Transform and integrate challenging experiences to reborn true self love
- Transform and integrated sabotaging emotions and blockages due to lack of self love
- Experience relief and new enriching flows of life energies
- Open new possibilities and opportunities in your life as our self love awakens
- Open new possibilities on your spiritual path
If you would like to get more information about our Self Love Workshop please do not hesitate to Contacts Us.
To signup for our next Self Love Workshop please click on Pre Register button.

Self Forgiveness Workshop
16. January 2021 | 06:00 PM – 09:00 PM EST | Zoom Online | Free
As we go trough life, we experience different challenges, struggles, disappointments, betrayals, hardships and pain.
What very few of us realize, all these challenging experiences leave their own very deep and hidden scars in our subconsciousness. Long after things are gone, we still carry deep and strong negative emotions associated with these experiences.
It is quite well hidden from us, these memories form very strong blockages and sabotages deep within us. These hidden and unprocessed emotions are powerfully blocking us in life.
They powerfully block good things from coming into our life. They continue to attract more and more of suffering in our life. Continuous suffering is just pointless. A huge waste of life.
Self Forgiveness Workshop main goal is to assist us in initiating transformation of these blocking energies into a new life. As we experience true self forgiveness, there will be almost immediate and quite impactful relief within our very own being.
Main benefits of Self Forgiveness Workshop are:
- Gain understanding of mechanisms of self sabotage & guilt
- Gain realizations of the importance of self forgiveness in our life
- Experience a true self forgiveness
- Initiate transformation of blocking energies to open space for positive changes in your life
- Learn how to work on your own on self forgiving & releasing the guilt
- Experience joy and beauty of self forgiving
- Open new possibilities in your life
- Open new possibilities on your spiritual path
If you would like to get more information about our Self Forgiveness Workshop please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
To signup for our next Self Forgiveness Workshop please click on Register button.

Pure Health Workshop
Coming Soon
Pure Health is our super natural state of body, mind and soul. In this state of Pure Health we become just that, super natural. We can achieve and be anything we can imagine.
Our body is rich with life energy. We are healthy and vibrant. We awaken our inner abilities. We are active in the nature. We are truly motivated and energized.
We eagerly work on things we love. We are super creative with quality ideas. We move and accomplish things with ease.
We know what life is all about. We are satisfied with who we are. We contribute to our own well being and of the society. We live a purposeful life.
Awakening of our Pure Health is a foundation for living a vibrant and fully enjoyable life.
Pure Health Workshop is structured in such a way to initiate transformation of our life to this state of Pure Health.
Main benefits of Pure Health Workshop are:
- Gain insights about what Pure Health really is
- Connect with energies of Pure Health
- Allow flow of Pure Health energies into your life
- Gain insights about your blockages and sabotages for achieving Pure Health
- Transform and integrate sabotages and blockages into new life energy
- Experience relief and new enriching flows of life energies
- Open new possibilities and opportunities in your life as Pure Health starts to flow
- Open new possibilities on your spiritual path
If you would like to get more information about our Pure Health Workshop please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
To signup for our next Pure Health Workshop please click on Pre Register button.

Inner Divine Peace Workshop
Coming Soon
Inner Divine Peace. Alpha & Omega for living a truly purposeful life. One of the best kept secrets from us.
Our Inner Divine Peace is our very essence. It is who we really are. It is what our soul is craving for, to become one with the Source of Life thought the Inner Divine Peace.
Inner Divine Peace has mightiness to align, balance and resolve most significant challenges in our life. What is just as important, Inner Divine Peace always knows what is the best for us, and that is what it manifests. It opens all doors for us to find and live a purposeful life.
Yet, most of us spend our entire lives by being occupied with wanting something, desiring something, rushing to become something, to achieve something, to own something. And in this endless quest for something, we miss the entire purpose of life.
As we uncover Inner Divine Peace, as we start to cultivate it within ourselves, and as it becomes our way of life, we elevate our being, joy and fulfilment to the highest possible levels.
Inner Divine Peace Workshop is structured in such a way to support awakening of our own Inner Divine Peace, and further expanding it to positive influence all areas of our life.
Main benefits of Inner Divine Peace Workshop are:
- Gain insights what a true Inner Divine Peace is
- Gain insights how to start awakening and expanding Inner Divine Peace within you
- Allow flow of Inner Divine Peace within yourself
- Identify internal blockages and sabotages to Inner Divine Peace
- Transform and integrate these blockages and sabotages
- Experience significant relief and renewed sense of your life purpose
- Open new possibilities and opportunities in the life as your Inner Peace awakens
- Open new possibilities on your spiritual path
If you would like to get more information about our Inner Divine Peace Workshop please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
To signup for our next Inner Divine Peace Workshop please click on Pre Register button.

Inner Divine Love Workshop
Coming Soon
Inner Divine Love. Majestic beauty of our own being, within our own heart.
Within us we carry beauty, goodness and love which is truly majestic. We call it Inner Divine Love. Magnificence of this Inner Divine Love is hard to comprehend with the mind and describe it with words. We can only experience it.
Inner Divine Love provides us with truly incredible benefits. Some of them are access to infinite source of life energy, deep sense of life purpose, resilient drive to achieve and contribute, strength to keep moving forward, expanding of the knowledge, awakening our inner abilities, fulfillment of everyday life, deep sense of belonging and importance.
Inner Divine Love together with Inner Divine Peace leads us to the ultimate objective of our life, becoming One with The Source of Life.
Inner Divine Love Workshop is structured in such a way to initiate awakening of the Inner Divine Love and allowing it to further grow in its beauty within us.
Main benefits of Inner Divine Love Workshop are:
- Gain insights about Inner Divine Love importance and significance in our lives
- Initiate process of awakening Inner Divine Love within you
- Allow flow of Inner Divine Love into your life
- Identify internal blockages and sabotages which prevent flow of Inner Divine love
- Transform and integrate blockages and sabotages to access your Inner Divine Love
- Initiate enriching experiences of relief, higher purpose and belonging
- Initiate new flows of life enriching energies
- Open new possibilities and opportunities in the life as your Inner Divine Love awakens
- Open new possibilities on your spiritual path
If you would like to get more information about our Inner Divine Love Workshop please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
To signup for our next Inner Divine Love Workshop please click on Pre Register button.